08 Sep 2008

Interactive Student Environments

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Interactive Student Environments was a third year ID Project where a group of students looked into some of the issues with gangs and violence in schools to see if design could change these situations for the better or to avoid them all together. Cydney, Derek, Heather, Kim, Teague and myself as a team researched the subject in depth, covering all bases to back up any claims,  we gathered statistics and even contacted local schools, gang enforcement officers and students them selves. This project turned out to be quite challenging sending us back to the drawing board many times. The bureaucracy throughout the school system, its budget and protocols really created challenges for us to over come. 

The power point slides below go in depth into our findings, results and final protocol concepts and ideas. If you have any questions or comments, dont hesitate to post! * i am hunting down the final power point, which has more of our finished conepts, check back later for these missing slides.



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