24 Sep 2008

L40 Minimalist Setting

3D Modeling & Rendering, Industrial Design Comments Off

Continuing on with the previous series of renders Geoffrey had asked me if it would be possible to incorporate the l40 into a minimalist scene. Intimidated at first, i was unsure of how difficult it would be! immediately i started doing test renders, pass after pass trying to get the atmosphere and environment just the way i pictured it was quite a tough learning curve. To help figure everything out i modeled a simple scene based off of an existing minimalist scene. The idea was to test lighting  and textures to obtain a realistic match. for a first try i was quite happy with the results. Once i had the basics, as always i started to add more and more  items, to try and bring the scene alive. Maybe over the top with the cigarettes, but this practice scene seemed to work out ok.

One of the features of Maxwell that i am excited about is the multi-light feature. This feature lets me prep my scene, and hit render. whenever i choose i can adjust the environment and scene lighting as i please, as easy as turning on or off a light bulb or dimming the sun a scene can go from day to night WITHOUT re-rendering the scene. its quite amazing and saves a lot of time. Also you can obtain several different images from the same render!

All of these images are from the same render, simply changing the settings on the scene lights.

Again NOTE: The L40 is Property of Geoffrey Lilge, and any reproduction or copying of any of these images is strictly prohibited unless written permission is granted stating otherwise.

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