Rollo Laundry System
This was a Group project for a 3rd year Industrial Design course in which we were to re-design a product based on pleasure oriented design principals. Anna Doherty, Samantha Balogh and my self all worked together to find qualitative and quantitative data to point us in the right direction for a new style laundry basket. All the research can be found in detail throughout the PowerPoint slides below. The images all began as sketches i did in pencil then moved into computer space primarily Corel Draw. once we were satisfied with the style we wanted i moved into 3d – modeling the Rollo in Rhinoceros. at this point the renders were completed in Maxwell Render, and some were even merged with sketches done by Martina MacFarlane – a big thanks to her for those.
Powerpoint Slides
And last but not least the poster (minus the title)