Out of sheer disappointment for the web hosting industry i decided i would enter the game. In an effort to bring affordable, quality web hosting that is simple to everyone i came up with this concept. The website is currently in the works, and i am hoping it will be a hit.
The idea:
Most businesses that have websites currently pay upwards of $60+ per mo. Which is a sham for most, as simple hosting can be had for as little as $3 per mo. Simply accepting that and pocketing the extra $57 is an option if your down for that sort of thing… but i wasn’t. At the same time i realize i will never be able to compete with the larger companies offering $3 a month hosting. So how do i fit in to the picture? I figured its time for something different. $60 /mo. is not an option, and i have grown tired of $3 hosting, then being charged for extra this and extra that until you have no idea what just hit you. will be different, it will offer eco friendly webhosting with 3 different plans & 3 different prices & all the same package. Crazy you may say? Possibly… but its simple. and you got it, that’s the name of the first plan. I want to set this hosting service apart from the rest.
Here is an exerpt from the upcoming site:
Our hosting stands apart from the rest by offering simplicity and peace of mind. We do not charge for extras, addons, megabytes or gigabytes, you simply get it all. All we ask is that you help us help the world.
By choosing one of our plans according to your budget, not only will your website be hosted in a green environment but a portion of your monthly fee will be donated to one of many great causes each and every month.
The plans:
Simple. | Help a little | Help a lot
I thought long and hard over this concept, and decided that a huge next step would be not by cutting billion dollar companies budgets by $100 per year, but a social one – by simply redirecting the money to those who need it most. The idea is simple. You get quality web hosting with no limits or stipulations for $10 per month. If you wish to help out, you can chip in monthly by selecting another plan. The benefit? Most businesses write off web hosting fees anyways, thus don’t care what they cost in many cases. So, why not help out by making sure your not lining someones pockets and support our world charities.