Archive for 3D Modeling & Rendering

Hairy Tea Pot? Why not?

  Having learned 3Ds Max way back in high school, i have always kept its uses lurking in the back of my head. Unfortunately my current university tends to skimp out on much of this expensive but great software. Instead i have been taught an array of cheaper, yet quite decent software alternatives, mainly Rhinoceros [...]

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House Renovation Experiment

This project / house renovation took place in the summer of 2007, while working construction. The client had a small older house which suffered from a leaky roof in the winter/ spring time and also wanted to add an outer deck space to relax in front of the house in the summer. Once we determined [...]

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Porro Inspired Accent Table

 In my 3rd year Bachelor of Design furniture class we were to choose an existing design company, and design an accent table of fairly small proportions to fit in their collection. Then with adequate sketch models we were to build a full scale prototype. My table evolved out of many sketches, and changed through many shapes. [...]

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